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Case Name: Additional District Magistrate, Jabalpur vs S. S. Shukla Etc. Etc.
Court: Supreme Court of India
Year: 1976
Citation: 1976 AIR 1207, 1976 SCR 172, 1976 SCC (2) 521

Introduction to ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla

ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla is considered one of the most controversial and significant cases in Indian constitutional history. It was heard by the Supreme Court in 1976 during the Emergency period imposed by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The case involved a challenge to the government’s suspension of fundamental rights during the Emergency.

Case Summary ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla

The petition was filed by advocate Shivkant Shukla against the detention of prominent journalist L.K. Advani under the controversial Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA). Shukla argued that such detentions violated constitutional rights under Articles 21 and 22. However, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the government in a majority 4-1 verdict, declining to intervene on behalf of detained persons.

The lone dissenting judge, Justice H.R. Khanna, became a champion of civil liberties for upholding the rule of law and fundamental rights. Meanwhile, the verdict was met with widespread criticism for failing to uphold individual freedoms. ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla is regarded as a dark period in India’s constitutional democracy. However, it also highlighted the judiciary’s essential role in safeguarding rights.

India’s Constitution contains provisions in Part XVIII that enable the central government to declare different types of emergencies, granting it extraordinary powers.

Understanding Articles 21 and 226 of the Indian Constitution

Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the fundamental right to life and personal liberty. Article 226 gives the Supreme Court and High Courts the power to issue writs for enforcing fundamental rights.

Mindmap on summarizing Article 21 of the Indian Constitution

However, under Article 359, the government can suspend the enforcement of fundamental rights during an emergency. The 1975 National Emergency saw the suspension of Article 21 and restriction of Article 226, removing safeguards for personal liberty.

The National Emergency of 1975 and its Impacts

In 1975, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a national emergency under Article 352, citing threats to national security. This granted her authoritarian powers and suspended elections and civil liberties. Thousands were imprisoned without trial.

Detailed Overview National Emergency of 1975 and its Impacts

Press freedoms were severely curtailed through censorship. With fundamental rights suspended, citizens could not move courts for violations. The Emergency thus had far-reaching impacts on civil liberties.

The Supreme Court’s Judgement

The Supreme Court of India delivered its judgement in the ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla case on April 28, 1976. The case was heard by a constitutional bench of five judges:

  • Chief Justice A.N. Ray
  • Justices M.H. Beg
  • Y.V. Chandrachud
  • P.N. Bhagwati
  • Justice H.R. Khanna.

The majority opinion consisting of Chief Justice Ray and Justices Beg, Chandrachud, and Bhagwati ruled in favour of the government and upheld the presidential order suspending habeas corpus during the Emergency. The majority held that the fundamental rights under Article 21 were suspended and could not be enforced when an emergency is in force. They opined that the presidential order could not be challenged in a court of law.

However, Justice H.R. Khanna dissented from the majority view and held that Article 21 could not be considered totally suspended even during an emergency. He stated that the right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 is non-suspendable, and the judiciary could examine the reasonableness of any restriction on it. Justice Khanna’s dissenting opinion became a landmark in Indian constitutional jurisprudence and established him as an iconic defender of civil liberties.

Implications of the Ruling

The Supreme Court’s ruling in ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla had far-reaching implications for civil liberties and the judiciary’s role during a national emergency.

Effects on Civil Liberties

The majority verdict in ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla severely curtailed fundamental rights during the Emergency. By ruling that Article 21 could be suspended, the Supreme Court enabled the government to detain citizens indefinitely without due process. This suspension of habeas corpus dealt a blow to civil liberties and democratic freedoms. The verdict demonstrated that the Supreme Court was unwilling to protect citizens’ rights at a time when they were most vulnerable.

The Role of the Judiciary During a National Emergency

The ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla case highlighted the Indian judiciary’s deference to executive power during the Emergency. Despite its duty as protector of civil rights, the Supreme Court chose not to intervene against governmental overreach. According to legal scholar Arun K. Thiruvengadam, the verdict illustrated how the court could fail to act as a check on the executive in times of crisis. However, Justice Khanna’s dissenting opinion showed that the court could still uphold rights even during an emergency. His stance pointed to the judiciary’s responsibility to defend constitutional values irrespective of circumstances.

Critical Analysis of the Decision

The ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla judgement has been subject to intense legal and ethical criticism over the years. Many legal experts have condemned the majority opinion as overly deferential to executive power and failing to uphold civil liberties during a crisis.

The judgement has been described as a “low point in the Supreme Court’s history” that went against the very purpose of an independent judiciary as a check on state power. Justice Khanna’s dissenting opinion is widely praised for upholding the rule of law and protecting fundamental rights, even at the risk of his judicial career. His stance embodied judicial independence and courage.

Many legal scholars argue that the Supreme Court abdicated its duty as protector of civil liberties during the Emergency. Its interpretation of granting unlimited power to the executive is seen as flawed and unjust. The judgement set a damaging precedent on the scope of fundamental rights during national emergencies.

However, contemporary Indian courts have positively reinterpreted Justice Khanna’s dissenting view as a defense of human rights and limited government. His opinion guides current jurisprudence on protecting civil liberties against executive overreach, even during times of crisis. The ADM Jabalpur case highlights the vital role of an independent judiciary in checking state power.

The ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla case judgment significantly impacted Indian constitutional law and civil liberties. In the aftermath, widespread criticism of the Supreme Court’s ruling that fundamental rights could be suspended during an emergency led to reforms aimed at restoring civil rights and strengthening judicial independence.

The 44th Constitutional Amendment, passed in 1978, nullified the Supreme Court’s interpretation and made it clear that even during an emergency, the suspension of Article 21 cannot restrict the right to life and liberty. This amendment ensured that the core of Article 21 would remain enforceable even during future emergencies.

The Supreme Court itself revisited the ADM Jabalpur ruling in landmark cases like Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India (1978), which expanded the ambit of Article 21 and established due process requirements. The evolution of Indian jurisprudence restored the supremacy of fundamental rights and established stringent safeguards against their suspension.

Mindmap summarizing Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India Case Summary

Overall, while the ADM Jabalpur case led to the darkest period for civil liberties in independent India, its aftermath saw far-reaching legal reforms that asserted the judiciary’s role as guardian of constitutional rights. Its legacy continues to inform contemporary interpretations of emergency powers and judicial independence.


ADM Jabalpur v. Shivkant Shukla has left a complex legacy in Indian constitutional law. Often described as the “darkest hour” of the Supreme Court, the majority ruling was seen as failing to uphold civil liberties and judicial independence during the 1975-77 emergency. However, Justice H.R. Khanna’s dissenting opinion provided a powerful defense of fundamental rights.

The case highlighted the potential for abuse of emergency powers and the need for checks on executive authority. After the Emergency ended, reforms strengthened judicial review and rights protections. While no longer a valid precedent, it remains a cautionary tale on compromising constitutional principles.

Key lessons from Jabalpur are the judiciary’s duty to safeguard liberties and the risks of unchecked emergency powers. Justice Khanna’s stance showed courage in defending rights despite personal and professional costs. His dissent laid the groundwork for broader rights jurisprudence and reaffirmed judicial commitment to constitutional values. Jabalpur reminds us of the fragility of rights in crisis and the need for constant vigilance in upholding liberties.


Hi, I’m Priya, a Creative Educator.

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